Monday 2 September 2013

Overcoming Pregnancy Problems: Surviving The First Trimester

It's Monday which means one thing... time to banish a pregnancy problem! Seeing as I'm off work for two weeks now I thought I'd go crazy and attempt to tackle a whole trimester ha ha.

The first trimester was definitely the worst for me. It was not a sexy time! I had horrible "morning" sickness, no energy at all and evil hormones taking over my brain! But I promise if you're currently experiencing all that it does get better. Although I still suffer from sickness every now and again it's nowhere near as often (difficult to write that when today is one of the days I am suffering ha ha, feels like it is VERY often right this second!) and I finally feel like myself again! Wahoooo. So here's how I survived the dreaded first 12 weeks, I hope it helps!

Morning Sickness

Sickness or nausea (or a combination of the two if you're really lucky) is one of the worst parts of pregnancy. It's exhausting, disgusting and makes life so difficult. I suffered from it every day for about the first 15 - 16 weeks of pregnancy, and then it started to ease off a bit!

I found that because I was so tired I needed to eat all the time to get some energy, but so many things made me sick it was such a battle. I'd advise eating six small meals a day, which are easy and boring! Ha ha. Think cereal for breakfast, a cheese sandwich for lunch, some toast in the afternoon, beans on toast (or something similar) for dinner and a yoghurt for pudding! Very varied ha ha.

Don't feel guilty about not getting a "balanced" diet if you're suffering from sickness, because in the first trimester your baby doesn't need any extra calories, and if you're taking folic acid tablets then a lot of them have added vitamins in that you and baby need!

I would also advise drinking plenty of water to keep you hydrated, carrying around a travel toothbrush and toothpaste (no explanation needed for that one) and also sour sweets are great for stopping sickness!

I've also read that ginger can also help but I never tried it, because anything with flavour was a no for me ha ha.

AND ICE LOLLIES. They're the best! Especially the Fruit Pastil Sour Lollies or whatever they're properly called, I can get through about ten of them on the trot. Don't judge me :-)

Energy Loss

This is another killer all the way through pregnancy (I've been told ha ha, and can confirm up to 25 weeks) but in the first trimester it's crazy! It would take me and Sam four attempts to watch any film because I'd fall asleep at the opening credits every time ha ha.

If you're battling a complete loss of energy with a job as well then it's a nightmare! I found that regularly eating helped, and the boring things like going to bed early. And I basically had no life during the first 12 weeks because of pure exhaustion!

Try forcing your family friends to come to yours, rather than you having to venture out the house, and do chilled out things like film and pamper nights if you do want to attempt having a life ha ha.

Make a lot of notes, because you're brain doesn't function when it's tired (mine struggles even when I'm wide awake ha ha) and NAP! Napping is the best. I even contemplated trying to make a pillow out of a hoody and napping in the disabled toilets at work once, but I resisted the urge.


Ahhh the evil little monsters that take over your brain in the first 12 weeks. How I don't miss them one single bit.

I literally turned into a freak! I even cried watching Run Fatboy Run because I was so happy for him when he crossed the finishing line. IT'S A MADE-UP FILM.

The other ridiculous times I cried were after a "night out" (two hours after work) when everyone else was drinking, breaking down saying "I'm... just... so... tired" at least once a day, and when I found out I couldn't eat dippy eggs. HA. But this is coming from the girl who once made "Tripple Egg Delight" with Sam, otherwise known as scrambled, fried and dippy eggs, served with chips:

I think the only way to combat hormones is to try and see the funny side. After I'd had my moments I'd (usually) be able to laugh at myself, and sometimes I'd literally be laughing and crying at the same time ha ha.

Crying it out really does help as well, rather than keeping it bottled inside! Put a sad film on or have a little cuddle cry with someone lovely and understanding. And then pick yourself up and watch Knocked Up :-) - you're not alone!!!

And you're not crazy, I promise!

I really hope this was useful, even if it's just to show you're not the only one suffering. I found it really hard at first because I didn't know anyone in Gibraltar who was/ had been pregnant (I do now though, yay), and I was all far away from my friends who had been and my Mum! So hopefully if you're feeling the same then reading this might help a little!

See you soon!!

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